When I heard my next destination was experiencing a major flood, I did a quick search for a destination with a cheap last minute flight. The answer was Singapore!
I hadn’t done any research on this tiny country, but wikitravel helped me pick out some sights and have a fantastic time.
It started with splendor and awe… I made it to the Bayfront on time for the light show. It exceeded my expectations! (Way more impressive than the Bellagio in Vegas) The fountains light up in various colors to the music and images (including birds) appear to fly through the mist. The show lasts 13 minutes and is twice each night. Current info is located HERE. Find a seat outside the Marina Bay Sands shopping mall to watch the show.

Next up, a wander through the Supertrees Grove. While taking in the giant “trees”, the Garden Rhapsody began. Because of the time of year, Christmas music filled the air and the lights changed with the music. The Supertrees are located in Gardens by the Bay. During the day, this is a lovely large park to walk through.

The next morning started with a 5 mile run along the river. For any runners, this city is fantastic if you don’t mind some heat, humidity, and possible rain. A great path follows all along the water. People run all times of the day, so you won’t be alone. Lady Explorer’s post lists some other running options as well.

There are a few free walking tours you can start the day with. I went on the Little India tour with Monster Day Tours. They provide some great insight into how the neighborhood began and its culture.

They also have a free tour for Chinatown, which is where I explored next (and where my hostel was). Lots and lots of souvenir shops line the streets as well as Chinese restaurants. Also check out the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum.

Singapore’s mascot is the Merlion, a mythical creature with a lion’s head and body of a fish. The fish body represents the origin on the city as a fishing village and the lion head for the original name which translates to Lion City. No trip is complete without a picture with this creature. Merlion is beautiful both day and night.

Other sights to see in Singapore:
Helix Bridge: a double helix, DNA inspired pedestrian bridge
Haji Lane is a small, cute neighborhood that feels less touristy with a beautiful mosque as its centerpiece.
Burgis Street is full of cheap shopping. It has 3 stories of stalls selling everything from clothes, electronics, souvenirs, jewelry, food and more!
Find some good hawker stalls for food. You can easily eat for less than $5 at these… and be surrounded by locals.

Random facts:
Singapore is the only modern day country to gain independence due to being kicked out of another country. It was a part of Malaysia, but was expelled because it was thought to be a threat to the Malay based political system in Malaysia. Singapore’s population majority is mostly Chinese. There is a nice mix of other ethnicities residing here (especially Indian and Malay) and they seem to live harmoniously together from my limited peak into the country.
The Mass Rapid Transit trains (MRTs) are very clean. Posted on the train are things you cannot do including eating and drinking or having durians. Durians are a spiky fruit with a rather unpleasant odor.
You may have heard that chewing gum is illegal… it’s true. Though it can be sold at a pharmacy if you have a prescription.
There are free tours of Singapore from the airport if you have a long enough layover. They recommend at least 5 hours in length. I would recommend staying at least a full day however.

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